UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein Children’s Fund | for every child

Baby Trage

Every minute of the day, close to ten children under the age of five die due to causes that could be avoided. That’s 4.9 million children a year. UNICEF works tirelessly to ensure the survival of babies and children.

Anatole Taubman

We cannot end all the world’s conflicts. But together, we can help children affected by war overcome their trauma.

Anatole Taubman, Ambassador for UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein

War in Ukraine.

After almost two years of war, nearly half of Ukraine’s population depends on humanitarian aid – including more than four million children. UNICEF is working in Ukraine and many neighboring countries and continuing its emergency response. 

Die vierjährige Milana steht vor dem zerstörten Heizungsraum ihres Kindergartens.


Icon orange Programme
went to international program work and national advocacy


Icon orange Mittelbeschaffung
was used for fundraising activities


Icon orange Admin
went to administrative and quality assurance costs